It stinks, but it looks like your best choice is to reload that old save and call it a "learning experience". It stinks, but that seems to work for me playing huge, open world games until several patch releases come out making it more stable. That way I have an "active save" and a "backup save" pre-current quest. I will typically work back and forth saving between the two until I am on a quest then I save on only one, unti l finish the quest and make sure the thing goes as it should. As advice for the future, save within at least 2 game saves apart from the auto saves.

It sounds like a classic case of a quest bug. They were all waiting there for me and Vilkas. You are correct in what should have occured. what do I do? Can someone help me fix this. i refuse to reload that and lose about 10 hours of playing. The only save I have left is from last night at lvl 17.

I didn't save in the past 3 hours and all of my autosaves have been replaced by me searching jorrvaskr and the grey mane house for eorlund. yet since he wasn't at the funeral he is nowhere to be found. Apparently a ton of ppl were supposed to be at the funeral, including eorlund who would ask me to get the last piece of wuthgrad. then they say something about the underforge and then remain "busy". only farkas,vilkas, and aela are there, but the funeral proceeds anyway. i finish clearing the silver hand hideout with vilkas and then go to attend the funeral of kodlak.